Contributions by women in tech
Women in technology have contributed to life-changing inventions that are used today. For International Women’s day 2023, we’re putting a spotlight on women in tech who changed the world.

Ada Lovelace
Ada Lovelace was formerly known as the English Mathematician and writer. She was home-schooled by her mother and tutors. Ada’s mother was her guide and was adamant that she learns science and maths. This paved the path for Ada to become the first programmer in the 18th century. She explained how the idea of a specific engine could transition calculation to computation.

Grace Hopper
Grace earned a Ph.D. in Mathematics. She was born in 1909. Grace joined the Naval Reserve in 1943. In the Naval Reserve, she joined the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corp. This is where she designed a compiler. This translated programmer’s instructions into computer codes. In 1957, her division developed the first English language data processing complier. At the age of 79, she came out of retirement to help standardise the Navy’s computer languages.

Annie Easley
Anna studied pharmacy for around two years at Xavier University. She was an African American. Her team was responsible for developing a code that led to the development of batteries used in hybrid cars. Anna was an advocate for the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) sector. She encouraged more women and people of colour to study STEM.

Mary Wilkes
Mary was told by her eighth-grade teacher that she would become a computer programmer. At that age, Mary knew nothing of computers. She graduated with a degree in Philosophy from Wellesley College in 1959. She steered her career to technology and worked with IBM computers. Mary is well known for helping develop the first personal computer. She was also the first person to have a computer in her home.

Adele Goldberg
Adele earned her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Adele was the only woman in the group who built the Smalltalk-80. This was a programming language that was used to develop the infrastructure and design of the Graphical User Interface (GUI). Adele showed the idea to Steve Jobs who implemented it into many Apple products.
Thus, she's more famously known as the woman who influenced the creation of the first Apple computer. Without her, the Apple desktop computer would have looked very different.
It’s important to talk about the achievements of women. They've worked hard and made a significant difference in the world of technology. By recognising their talent we’re acknowledging the value of their incredible work. You can read more about many other women who've helped change the world of technology, on the women in tech website.